RSPB hold event to help local landowners protect Inner Forth wildlife

The RSPB and IFLI are hosting a free event in March to get people involved in creating new wildlife habiats of all sizes across the Inner Forth area.

'Wildlife Connections: Linking Wildlife-Rich Habitats Across The Inner Forth' is the perfect event for any landowner who wants to do their bit to help make the Inner Forth a better place for nature. This one-day event will feature a mixture of talks from community groups, land managers, charities, and local authorities explaining what they have done to help wildlife on their land and why. 

Bothkennar, an important Inner Forth area for birds. Photo: Kate Fuller

There will also be practical workshops with advice on managing specific types of habitats, including woodland, wetland and wildflower meadows, and oppurtunities to talk to a range of experts and highlight projects you may want to take forward, or areas where you may need assistance. 

RSPB Futurescapes Officer David Anderson said: "We are very excited to be hosting this event as part of the Inner Forth Landscape Initiative. It is vital that we all do our bit to help give nature a home in the Inner Forth and this event provides a fantastic oppurtunity for landowners from a range of sectors to learn what they can do to help wildlife on their land. It is sure to be a fun, interesting and enjoyable day."

Wildlife Connections will take place on Thursday 23rd March from 10:00am - 4:00pm at Alloa Tower. Booking can be made through the Eventbrite page for the event or by contacting the IFLI Office on 01324 831568 or Tickets are free and lunch is provided.