Pay it Forth

Objective 3
In Progress
'Pay it Forth' is a giving scheme which gives people - visiting and living in the area - the chance to donate to help look after historic heritage, nature and wildlife in the Inner Forth. 

Small contributions collected around the Inner Forth, added together, can make a genuine difference.

It's a way for those who enjoy the landscape to put something back into protecting, enhancing and celebrating what makes it so special!

Help raise funds to enhance the natural and historic heritage of the Inner Forth:

Did you know that businesses can become Pay it Forth Business Supporters? Follow these steps to get started:

1. Download this Business Supporter Guide to discover the many ways Business Supporters can encourage their customers to donate
2. Select a fundraising method that suits you and your business
Fill this online form or contact the Climate FORTH team to discuss your selected method and receive your fundraising pack. 4.Encourage your customers to make a difference!
All donations collected via Pay it Forth are reinvested to increase the climate resilience of local heritage across the Inner Forth. Here are some examples of projects the generous donations will make possible:

  • The consolidation of the historic Gardener’s Cottage at Valleyfield Woodland Park (Fife).
  • Woodland enhancement, meadow creation, wetland scrape creation and tree planting at Rannoch Park (Grangemouth, Falkirk) and Glendevon Drive (Raploch, Stirling).
  • An energy efficiency project aimed at improving the climate adaptability of Cochrane Hall (Alva, Clackmannanshire).
The donations collected through Pay it Forth complement funding received from The National Lottery Heritage Fund and Climate FORTH's other co-funders, and are integral to making these heritage improvements possible. 


How do I help?

To donate, click on “Donate Now” at the top of this page. If you are a local business and would like to support Pay it Forth, click on “Become a Business Supporter” to find out more about the giving scheme.

More about Pay it Forth

Pay it Forth is administered by The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) on behalf of the Inner Forth Futures initiative as part of the Climate FORTH Project. The RSPB is a registered charity in England and Wales, number 207076 and in Scotland, number SC037654. Click here for more information about the Climate FORTH project.
Rannoch Park will be transformed from a water-logged area to one which increases biodiversity - benefiting people and wildlife
The Gardener's Cottage at Valleyfield is undergoing consolidation works for visitors and locals to enjoy as a heritage asset

Get Involved

There will soon be different ways to get involved, for businesses, visitors and volunteers: keep an eye on this page, and on the ‘Get Involved’ section of our website. 

Project Location

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